Over 70 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - CA 10/11

DOTmed Reuniões com mais de 1100 companhias na saúde árabe

por Philip F. Jacobus, CEO | February 22, 2005
Dubai is an exciting city, and building cranes can be seen in every direction. Many business people from South Asia, North Africa, Western Europe and the Arab world travelled to participate in the event.

Everyone we met with was serious and candid and we feel certain that everyone who lists equipment for sale on DOTmed will be receiving more inquiries as a result of the show.

Several DOTmed users including G-Tech Medical Services (Ralph Childs), Atlas Medical Technologies (Rick Stockton), both members of the DOTmed 100, as well as United Medical Instruments (Mansoor Ghanavati), all had booths at the show.

Ralph Childs was invited by the U.S. Consulate along with a MD from Harvard to address a group of American business people. I was very impressed with Ralph's knowledge of how to do business in the Middle East, clearly the 9 years he has lived in the U.A.E. have taught him a lot about how to do business there. It is no wonder that he was voted one of the 100 best users on DOTmed.

This was the 30th anniversary of Arab Health, which is organized by the same company who is in charge of Medica. There were over 1750 exhibitors, and 28 country pavilions.

DOTmed intends to write all of the participants in the show in an effort to make more people around the world aware of our site and the equipment for sale and wanted listings that all of our users post on DOTmed.

Thanks to everyone who visited our booth!