Michael Johns, Project Manager | May 31, 2006
The CARS 20th International Congress and Exhibition, June 28 - July 1, 2006 in Osaka, Japan
As a result of widespread clinical acceptance of computer assisted methods and tools, more than half of the symposium organizing and program committees for CARS are radiologists or surgeons, the remainder being computer scientists and engineers.
The international participation in CARS is highly significant, since the approximately 1000-1400 participants of CARS meetings typically come from over 45 countries and the members of the program committee are divided approximately equally between Europe, the United States and Asia. The program committee has the difficult task of selecting approximately 150 paper and 100 poster presentations from between 400 to 500 abstracts submitted annually.
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Some of the many topics covered are:
Cardiac and Vascular Imaging,
Image Processing and Display,
Tutorials on CAR and CAS,
Stimulation Methods, and
Surgical Modelling, Simulation and Education.
As commented by Leonard Berliner, MD, Department of Radiology, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, New York, USA on the CARS website:
"For me CARS is a totally unique phenomenon. World-wide, there are hundreds of medical meetings that I could attend each year, yet the only meeting that I feel strongly about attending every year is the CARS meeting."
Dr. Berliner continues to say, "CARS is at the crossroads of Research and Application: Each year as I review papers for CARS, and as I attend each meeting, I can see the gradual transformation of theory into practical reality.
Each year at CARS, we have the opportunity to see the advancements as they develop gradually and incrementally. And since we are seeing these advancements before anyone else, we have the unique opportunity to influence the direction in which they develop."
For example, Dr. Berliner was able to closely observe the development of the Cone Beam CT and see the development of technology from prototypes, theoretical proposals, and technical papers into practical, medically useful, and commercially available equipment.
What better way to experience the latest developments and techniques in Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery than at CARS 2006 in Osaka, Japan.
See the Latest Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery developments and techniques - CARS 2006