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TriMedx emprega dois diretores de vendas novos

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | June 08, 2011
Al D'Andrea
(Credit: TriMedx)
Ascension Health subsidiary TriMedx said Tuesday it hired two new sales directors, Al D'Andrea and Glenn Phillips. The two men will plan business strategies for hospital, alternate site and regional health care providers, the Indianapolis-based company said.

Based in Chicago, D'Andrea has 25 years of health care sales experience, and previously held executive positions with MedGyn Products, Medical Outsourcing Services, McKesson, Marconi and Baxter Healthcare.

Philips, based in Philadelphia, has more than 30 years health care sales experience, and previously held director-level positions with NightHawk Radiology Services, Ledford Medical, Siemens, Elekta Oncology Systems and Philips.
Glenn Philips
(Credit: TriMedx)

"Al and Glenn are skilled and accomplished OEM sales executives, but also have a passion and respect for the service side of the business, which is why they're excellent additions to the TriMedx team," said Thomas Vorpahl, chief operating officer of TriMedx, in a statement.

TriMedx helps manage medical technology assets for hospitals and other health care providers.

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