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GE Healthcare para treinar biomeds da reserva do exército

por Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | May 27, 2011
Maj. Gen. L.P. Chang,
left, signs the training
agreement with GE
executive Mike Swinford
GE Healthcare and the Army Reserve said Wednesday they would start a pilot "externship" program to train biomedical equipment technicians.

GE Healthcare's president and CEO of global services, Mike Swinford, made the announcement with Maj. Gen. L.P. Chang, commander of the 807th Medical Command, at a veterans event at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel and Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

Based in Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah, the 807th Medical Command manages Army Reserve deployable field medical units in the Midwest and West Coast. It has 11,000 soldiers under its command in 26 states.

GE said it would work with the 807th Medical Command to train biomeds in a one-year program to help them meet professional standards to meet Army Reserve and civilian health care technology needs. The biomeds will gain experience in multiple modalities at regional medical equipment concentration sites, GE said.

GE told DOTmed News the program will start with around 15 externs. The first group begins in July.

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