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Your Endoscopy Equipment Specialist! Call 734-422-7700

International Medical Equipment Inc, Buys and sells all Endoscopy's Equipment, domestically and internationlly. We have all major brands, like Olympus,Pentax,Stryker,Storz and many other Call or click today

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Collaborative Medical Solutions- Your Pathway to Better Scope Technology!

Upgrading to advanced endoscopy technology & capturing the best value for previously owned endoscopy equipment is now simple & reliable! If you have scopes to buy or sell contact Collaborative today! info@collaborativemedicalsolutions.com 704-550-4681

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STRYKER X7000 Fonte clara Vende Se

Fonte de luz Stryker X7000 lâmpada de xenônio de 300 watts Vários recursos de segurança; verificação de segurança interna, conexão Ethernet, interruptor térmico interno, exibição de códigos de erro... Veja mais

January 20

Asking Price:
$1,050 USD