Founded in 1954, SNM promotes the
science, technology, and
application of nuclear medicine

DOTmed Invites YOU to the SNM Annual Meeting 2007

May 21, 2007
by Michael Johns, Project Manager
As a first time exhibitor,, Inc. invites you to join us for this important Nuclear Medicine event!

With over 4,000 Attendees and 2,000 Exhibitors, the 54th Society of Nuclear Medicine(SNM) Annual Meeting is the premier event for educational and networking opportunities in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

This year you can meet the folks of at Booth 1843 in the Exhibit Hall. We look forward to meeting you!

The nearly 100 Educational and Scientific sessions provide a comprehensive picture of Nuclear Medicine as it is today and as it will be tomorrow. Due to the broad range of topics, the meeting is broken down into numerous sessions that address the needs of ALL Nuclear Medicine staff.

To learn how you can address your needs for education, staying up to date on technological developments, and networking, here is a short list of the sessions: SNM Plenary Session, SNMTS Plenary Session, SNMTS Special Sessions, Scientific Paper Sessions, Ancillary SNM CME Activities, SNM Continuing Education, InfoSNM Computer Presentations, Technologist Paper Sessions, SNMTS Continuing Education, SNMTS Student Special Session, InfoSNM Educational Sessions, AND much more!

Whether you are a Technologist or medical professional, the Annual Meeting has much to offer you.

InfoSNM, NEW for 2007 and sponsored by the SNM Scientific Program Committee and the Computer and Instrumentation Council, is designed to highlight the use of computers in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

InfoSNM is comprised of two components:
1. Oral computer presentations describing the application of computers and information science in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging:
- 90-minute interactive sessions demonstrating novel software applications
- 10-20 minute live presentations given by presenting author(s)
- Packaged demonstrations uploaded for all-day attendee viewing and interaction
2. Classroom educational offerings on practical use of computers:
- Intro to Pubmed
- MIRC Teaching File Software
- Using IHE to Improve Nuclear Medicine Connectivity
- Expert Level Searching in Pubmed

Be sure to gain a clear understanding of how InfoSNM will impact your business.

In addition, don't forget the Basic Science "Summary Sessions" that highlight some of the most important science presented in oral and/or poster sessions from the following categories: Data Analysis & Management, Image Generation, Instrumentation, Dosimetry/Radiobiology, New Chemistry: Oncology/Neurosciences/Other, and Radiopharmacy.

From "CT Workshop: Radiology-Based Training for the Nuclear Medicine Technologist- Part I" to "CT of the Neck: A Guide for Nuclear Medicine Physicians Reading PET/CT, Read with the Experts Session", SNM Annual Meeting has much to offer everyone.

And don't forget, will be at Booth 1843 in the Exhibit Hall! (We know, a little shameless on our part) We look forward to meeting you!

To register, see the SNM Annual Meeting 2007 website!