Wayne Kramer

Five Minutes in Healthcare - featuring Wayne Kramer

September 15, 2021
by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO
Five Minutes in Healthcare is where I usually discuss current events with some of the industry's most influential leaders, as well as innovative thinkers who are working to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last summer when I spoke to Wayne Kramer, president of W7 Global, a company specializing in X-ray tubes, we talked about his experiences with the pandemic. This time, we're going to talk about something a little more out of this world.

In addition to his professional activities and family life, Wayne is a creative writer who has recently ublished a fantasy fiction novel called Heroes of Time Legends: Murdoch's Choice.

I was happy to learn that the main character in the book is based on Daniel "Skip" Person, a well-known medical equipment industry veteran who passed away a few years ago and was beloved by many.

If you're curious to learn more about Wayne's book, I encourage you to visit the Heroes of Time website. You can also pick up a copy in hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook on Amazon.

We hope you enjoy the conversation. Please tell us what you think, and let us know who you would like to see interviewed next.