SNMMI president’s statement on COVID-19 and the SNMMI 2020 Annual Meeting

March 13, 2020
Dear SNMMI Members,

Much like you, the SNMMI leadership has been closely following the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation—monitoring the latest recommendations provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to help address its inevitable impact on the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community.

We are aware that many of your organizations now have temporary travel policies in place to best protect the health of your patients, as well as yours and that of your staff. Given the importance of your work, we are pleased to hear of this quick response being implemented to help limit any outbreak at your institutions, as well as limiting exposure to any patient populations.

We also understand that because of the critical work you do, providing you with unparalleled learning opportunities to examine the latest research and clinical applications helping transform medicine and improve lives remains essential.

So, despite these uncertainties we are currently planning to hold the SNMMI 2020 Annual Meeting as scheduled, June 13-16 in New Orleans. We are also exploring multiple alternate scenarios that will allow us to move forward with producing a positive, enriching Annual Meeting experience. We recognize the situation remains fluid for families and organizations as healthcare officials and governments continue to work to contain this outbreak and we will continue to adjust, as needed.

Public safety is of the utmost importance and SNMMI will make any and all decisions related to this health crisis with that as our guiding principal. To keep you informed, this page will be updated frequently as new information becomes available.

We thank you for your patience and understanding while we explore the best possible solutions to serve you and the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community during this challenging time.

Warm Regards,

Vasken Dilsizian, MD
SNMMI President