X-ray Discovery

November Medical Museum - : X-ray Discovery

November 01, 2014
by Sean Ruck, Contributing Editor
The picture and description appear courtesy of Dr. M. Donald Blaufox, M.D., Ph.D, from his website: www.mohma.org.

Each month we visit Dr. Blaufox’s Museum of Historical Medical Artifacts to take a look back at the medical equipment that cleared the way for what patients encounter in doctors’ offices and operating rooms of today. Some equipment may be recognizable, while other inventions featured here have since become obsolete or have had their usefulness discredited.

Category: Radiology
Date: 1995
Name: 100th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays
Manufacturer: Italy
Description: Italy 1995. Maximum card. One hundredth anniversary of the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. X-ray picture of a hand, made by a historical X-ray machine. Courtesy of Dr. Erwin Rugendorff.